Portfolio Item

Toyota (Japan) Gemeinschaftsprojekt III / 59 Neubau


Project Details :









Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit John Brombaugh (Oregon USA):


Manualwechsler wechselt das Bombardewerk vom II. Manual auf das III. Manual

Einiges zu diesem großen Projekt:

John Brombaugh, bekannter Orgelbauer aus Oregon, bat mich 1999 mit Ihm ein großes Projekt zu machen. Das hat mich damals sehr erstaunt, da unsere Werkstatt gerade 2 ½ Jahre existierte. Nun, wir lernten uns kennen und machten gemeinsam einige Orgelfahrten, so landeten wir auch in Göteborg und konnten damals das gelungene Projekt in der „Örgryte neue Kirche“ bestaunen. Näheres zu diesem Projekt finden Sie auf der Webseite: www.goart.gu.se. Hier lernte ich auch Winold van der Putten kennen, der sehr um den historischen Orgelbau bemüht ist. In dieser Zeit baute er gerade eine kleine gotische Orgel (heute zu sehen in Marsum / Niederlande). Auf der Rückfahrt von Göteborg machten wir mit einigen Orgelbauern in Roskilde (Dänemark) halt, wo man damit befasst war, das Dach des Domes wieder mit Bleiplatten zu decken. Winold van der Putten und ich waren von diesen Methoden in Göteborg und Roskilde so beeindruckt, das wir beschlossen unsere nächsten Orgelprojekte mit auf Sand gegossenen Pfeifen auszustatten, da wir erkannten, das diese Methoden doch früher im Orgelbau oft angewandt wurden.


Project: New City Concert Hall (Toyota – shi, Aichi – ken, Japan)

Realisation by John Brombaugh and Harm Dieder Kirschner

Positive Left – Manual I     this division located in Left Front Case
1.1 Quintadena 16 56 pipes metal, stopped, deep bass may be in nearby Pedal tower
2.1 Præstant 8 49 pipes metal, open, larger pipes in façade, deep bass common with 3.1
3.1 Gedackt 8 56 pipes metal, stopped
4.1 Octave 4 56 pipes metal, open
5.1 Rohrflöte 4 56 pipes metal, stopped or chimneyed
6.1 Quinte 2 2/3 56 pipes playable from 10.1 by special windchest arrangement
7.1 Octave 2 56 pipes metal, open
8.1 Waldflöte 2 56 pipes metal, open
9.1 Sifflet 1 1/3 51 pipes metal, open, to d’’’
10.1 Sesquialter II 112 pipes metal, open
11.1 Scharff IV – VI ~281 pipes metal, open
12.1 Dulcian 8 56 pipes metal, reed
The above 12 registers have ~885 pipes in 17 ranks  


Great – Manual II     this division located in Upper Main Case

1.2 Præstant1672 pipesmetal, open, most pipes in façade, with mirror doubling in treble2.2 Octave856 pipesmetal, open3.2 Spielflöte8*56 pipesmetal, tapered open flute4.2 Octave456 pipesmetal, open5.2 Flute456 pipesmetal, flute6.2 Octave256 pipesmetal, open7.2 MixtureIV – VI~286 pipesmetal, open8.2 Trumpet1656 pipesmetal, reed9.2 Trumpet8*56 pipesmetal, reed10.2 Trompette en chamade856 pipesmetal, horizontal reed in façade11.2 Clairon en chamade456 pipesmetal, horizontal reed in façade;  flues in high trebleThe above 11 registers have~862 pipesin 17 ranks 

Registers thus marked are available by transmission for independent playing in the Pedal

Bombarde – Manual II or III   this division located with Great in Upper Main Case
1.3 Cornet V 135 pipes metal, open or chimneyed, in treble from c’ to d’’’
2.3 Bombarde 16 56 pipes metal, reed
3.3 Trompette 8 56 pipes metal, reed
4.3 Clairon 4 56 pipes metal, reed; flues in high treble
The above 4 registers have ~303 pipes in 8 ranks  


Positive Right – Man III      this division located in Right Front Case
1.4 Bourdon 16 56 pipes wood & metal, stopped, deep bass may be in nearby Pedal tower
2.4 Bourdon 8 56 pipes wood and/or metal, stopped
3.4 Flûte harmonique 8 38 pipes metal, open, harmonic from f’, C – f common with 2.3
4.4 Viola 8 49 pipes metal, open, some pipes may be in façade, deep bass common with 2.3
5.4 Prestant 4 56 pipes metal, open, some pipes may be in façade
6.4 Grosse Tierce 3 1/5 56 pipes metal, open
7.4 Nasard 2 2/3 56 pipes metal, open
8.4 Quarte de Nasard 2 56 pipes metal, open
9.4 Tierce 1 3/5 56 pipes metal, open
10.4 Larigot 1 1/3 56 pipes metal, open
11.4 Flageolet 1 51 pipes metal, open, to d’’’
12.4 Cromorne 8 56 pipes metal, reed
13.4 Bärpfeife 8 56 pipes metal, reed
The above 13 registers have 698 pipes in 13 ranks  


Echo expressiv – Manual IV     this division located in Swellbox in lower part of Main Case
1.5     Stopped Diapason 8 56 pipes wood, stopped
2.5     Viola da Gamba 8 56 pipes metal, open
3.5     Vox Celeste 8

44 pipes

metal, open, from tenor C upwards
4.5     Flute Douce 4 56 pipes metal and/or wood, flute
5.5     Nasard 2 2/3 44 pipes metal, open, from tenor C upwards
6.5     Principal 2 56 pipes metal, open
7.5     Tertia 1 3/5 39 pipes metal, open, from tenor C  to d’’’
8.5     Cimbel III 168 pipes metal, open
9.5     Fagot 16 56 pipes metal, reed
10.5  Oboe      8 56 pipes metal, reed
11.5  Vox Humana 8 56 pipes metal, reed
The above 11 registers have 687 pipes in 13 ranks  


Pedal – this division located with Great in Upper Main Case, and with largest pipes behind rest of organ

1.6     Subbass 32   wood, stopped, extended downwards from 2.5
2.6     Subbass 16   wood, stopped
3.6     Violonbass 16   wood, open
4.6     Præstant 16   metal, open, larger pipes in façades, deep bass common with 1.2
5.6     Octave 8   metal, open, deep bass common with 2.2
6.6     Octave 4   metal, open
7.6     Mixture V   metal, open
8.6     Contra Posaune 32   wood, reed, extended downwards from 9.5
9.6     Posaune 16   metal, reed
10.6  Trumpet 4   metal, reed
11.6  Cornett 2   metal, reed
The above 11 registers have 390 pipes in 13 ranks  

The following stops are also available to the Pedal by transmission from the Great division:

12.6  Spielflöte 8 30 notes from Great 3.2
13.6  Trumpet 8 30 notes from Great 10.2
Couplers, etc  
Positive Left – Great Great – Pedal
Positive Right – Great Great Bombarde – Pedal
Echo – Great Positive Left – Pedal
Echo – Manual III Positive Right – Pedal
  Echo- Pedal

Manual Exchanger: changes Bombarde division to play on Manual III rather than on Manual II      
Tremulant, adjustable

About this project

John Brombaugh, a famous organ – builder from Oregon, in 1999 he planed to realise this organ together with Harm Dieder Kirschner. Kirschner was really astonished, because his shop exist since 2 ½ years. Brombaugh and Kirschner visit each other and travelled to different organ – places like Göteborg in Sweden. There they watched the new organ in the “Ögryte new church”. More details you can find on page: www.goart.gu.se. . In Göteborg Brombaugh and Kirschner met Winold van der Putten . He is a very busy person in building historical organs. He was working on an gothic instrument (you can see in Marsum / Niederlande). On the way back from Göteborg they stopped in Roskilde (Denmark). Roof maker just were busy with casting the 4 food long plates for the roof of the cathedral. They casted pure lead on sand. They took over this tradicional way fom their fathers. In the times of Arp Schnitger (*1650 +1718) organ builder used such plates for making pipes. Putten and Kirschner were really enthusiastic about this methods in Göteborg and Roskilde, so they wanted to start this methods for their following projects.